Welcome to Additional Needs Department
Croeso i’r Adran Anghenion Arbennig
Miss L Tucker – Additional Needs Coordinator / Dyslexia specialist teacher
Mrs E Lawler – Senior Teaching Assistant
What kinds of barrier to learning do we see at Coedcae?
For more information, please click on the links.
- Difficulties with reading, spelling or writing
- Dyslexia
- Difficulties with maths
- Medical needs such as diabetes, visual or hearing difficulties, physical disability.
- Emotional problems which may make learning difficult in the short or long term / Difficulties at home
- Teaching English to pupils who speak other languages at home.
- Attendance
- Confidence to access all areas of the school during the morning break or at lunchtime.
- Speech and language difficulties
- Providing readers, extra time or scribes for exams in year 10 and 11
Specialist careers advice
Y Cwtch
This is a unique provision for pupils who are more vulnerable or with significant learning difficulties. It is staffed by a full time teacher and a team of teaching assistants. The pupils attend mainstream lessons with support with an appropriately differentiated curriculum and also have time in the unit to address their individual needs (whether this is learning, physiotherapy or emotional needs). The unit also provides a breakfast club and support for other pupils at lunchtime and break times.
Information from the links
Fresh Start (KS3)
This is a focused and intensive programme to improve the reading, spelling and writing skills of all pupils with a reading age of less than 9.6 years. The pupils are withdrawn for 7 lessons a fortnight and reassessed every 6-8 weeks. As their skills improve they move up through the programme and eventually complete it with improved skills and confidence.
Pupils are assessed because of teacher or parental concerns from year 6 onwards through the Coedcae Family of schools dyslexia project. They are supported as appropriate in class and by withdrawal to work with a dyslexia specialist teacher or Teaching Assistant. All teachers are aware of effective strategies to support dyslexic pupils.
Pupils are withdrawn for support by the Learning support team or supported in class. In addition, the maths department run their own catch up programme.
Medical needs / Sensory impairments / Physical disability
Support is provided for all pupils with any medical condition or disability to allow them to work as independently as possible. This may be to provide support for diabetic pupils to ensure safe blood sugar levels or to alter written resources so that they can be accessed by pupils with visual impairments. The department works closely with specialist services, the school nurse and parents.
Emotional support / Difficulties at home
At times, some pupils experience emotional difficulties which may impact on their behaviour and sense of happiness and wellbeing. They may need support with their learning or by having someone to talk to – a happy pupil = effective learning. We have a school counsellor and work closely with outside specialist agencies.
English as an additional language
Pupils for whom English is their second language are supported both in class and by withdrawal to work with specialist teachers. The school also has a full time Polish speaking teaching assistant.
Pupils with poor attendance sometimes are reluctant to come back and find it hard to catch up with work missed. Strategies such as providing catch up time, access to a teaching assistant for in-class support is offered where appropriate.
Support before school, during the morning break and at lunchtimes
Some pupils find the school yard a challenging experience. Y Cwtch (the school nurture unit) is open from 8 am and during school breaks to provide a breakfast club and a more secure place for some of our pupils to spend their breaks.
Speech and language difficulties
Pupils with identified speech and language difficulties are provided with support – either with programmes provided by a Speech and Language therapist or with a recognised programme delivered by the learning support team. This may be to improve their vocabulary, comprehension or understanding of social language.
Support for exams at KS4
Pupils are assessed at the end of year 9 to identify those individuals who are eligible for a reader, extra time, scribes or access to a word processor when sitting exams in years 10 and 11. This allow pupils with poor literacy skills to show their understanding and knowledge without being limited by poor reading, writing or handwriting skills.
Specialist career advice.
The school as a specialist additional needs advisor provided by Careers Wales to address the needs of pupils who will continue to need support when they leave us in year 11. She meets the pupils in years 9, 10 and 11 and acts as a link between Coedcae and Coleg Sir Gar.